The expression of p53-regulated genes in human cultured lymphoblastoid TSCE5 and WTK1 cell lines during spaceflight 公開:2020年2月17日
Expression of p53-regulated genes in human cultured lymphoblastoid TSCE5 and WTK1 cell lines after spaceflight in a frozen state 公開:2020年2月17日
The First Life Science Experiments in ISS: Reports of 'Rad Gene' - Space Radiation Effects on Human Cultured Cells - 公開:2020年2月17日
Circumnutational movement in rice coleoptiles involves the gravitropic response: analysis of an agravitropic mutant and space-grown seedlings 公開:2020年2月17日
Bio-Assessment of RISK in Long-Term Manned Space Exploration-Cell Death Factors in Space Radiation and/or Microgravity: A Review- 公開:2020年2月17日
Evidence of ROS generation by mitochondria in cells with impaired electron transport chain and mitochondrial DNA damage 公開:2020年2月17日
Roles of mitochondria-generated reactive oxygen species on X-ray-induced apoptosis in a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HLE 公開:2020年2月17日
Mitochondria as Possible Pharmaceutical Targets for the Effects of Vitamin E and its Homologues in Oxidative Stress-Related Diseases 公開:2020年2月17日
Preparation of highly crystalline TiO2 nanostructures by acid-assisted hydrothermal treatment of hexagonal-structured nanocrystalline titania/cetyltrimethyammonium bromide nanoskeleton 公開:2020年2月17日
Multiscale simulation of dye-sensitized solar cells considering Schottky barrier effect at photoelectrode 公開:2020年2月17日
Pore-size expansion of hexagonal-structured nanocrystalline titania/CTAB Nanoskeleton using cosolvent organic molecules 公開:2020年2月17日
Preparation and photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation of mesostructured titania particles modified with phthalocyanine in the pores 公開:2020年2月17日
First direct observation of impurity effects on the growth rate of tetragonal lysozyme crystals under microgravity as measured by interferometry 公開:2020年2月17日
Correction of the equilibrium temperature caused by slight evaporation of water in protein crystal growth cells during long-term space experiments at International Space Station 公開:2020年2月17日
Unloading stress disturbs muscle regeneration through perturbed recruitment and function of macrophages 公開:2020年2月17日
Prevention of Disuse Muscle Atrophy by Dietary Ingestion of 8-Prenylnaringenin in Denervated Mice 公開:2020年2月17日
The potential of GPNMB as novel neuroprotective factor in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 公開:2020年2月17日