公開 2019年3月19日
Analysis of Local Flame-Spread Characteristics of an Unevenly Arranged Droplet Cloud in Microgravity
Generation of a Large-Scale n-Decane-Droplet Cloud Considering Droplet Pre-Vaporization in "Group Combustion" Experiments aboard Kibo/ISS
Report on microgravity experiments of Dynamic Surface deformation effects on Marangoni instability in high-Prandtl-number liquid bridges
Status of the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace in the ISS - Evaluation of Sample Position Control -
Core–shell protein cluster comprising haemoglobin and recombinant feline serum albumin as an artificial O2 carrier for cats
Structures of jacalin-related lectin PPL3 regulating pearl shell biomineralization
The 7-Year MAXI/GSC Source Catalog of the Low-Galactic-Latitude Sky (3MAXI)
Overview of "Dynamic Surf" Project in Kibo-Dynamic Behavior of Large-Scale Thermocapillary Liquid Bridges in Microgravity
Modification of Growth Anisotropy and Cortical Microtubule Dynamics in Arabidopsis Hypocotyls Grown under Microgravity Conditions in Space
MAXIサイエンスニュース062号 MAXI新星MAXI J1807+132を発見、正体は中性子星と国際観測網で解明!
資料集High-resolution structure discloses the potential for allosteric regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7
Energy Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron from 10 GeV to 3 TeV Observed with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station
MAXIサイエンスニュース061号 MAXI観測史上最大のX線ブラックホール新星が出現!