公開 2019年3月19日
Acceleration-based study of optimum exercise for human weight-bearing bones enhancement
Expression of osteoblastic and osteoclastic genes during spontaneous regeneration and autotransplantation of goldfish scale: A new tool to study intramembranous bone regeneration
MAXIサイエンスニュース042号 へびつかい座にX線新星を発見
資料集MAXIサイエンスニュース041号 わし座にX線新星を発見
資料集Passive space environment effect measurement on JEM/MPAC&SEED
Flight experiment results of the polysiloxane-block-polyimide "BSF-30" on the JEM/MPAC&SEED mission on the ISS
In-orbit measurement of the AOS (Acousto-Optical Spectrometer) response using frequency comb signals
Precise Measurements of Dendrite Growth of Ice Crystals in Microgravity
Combined spectral and timing analysis of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 discovered by MAXI and Swift
MAXIサイエンスニュース040号 はえ座にX線新星を発見
資料集Numerical analysis of the diffusive field around a growing protein crystal in microgravity Defect and Diffusion Forum
Controlling the diffusive field to grow a higher quality protein crystal in microgravity
Space environment measurements by JAXA satellites and ISS/JEM
A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku and Swift
MAXIサイエンスニュース039号 超新星爆発に備える!オリオン座ベテルギウスの監視