公開 2019年3月19日
Acute transcriptional up-regulation specific to osteoblasts/osteoclasts in medaka fish immediately after exposure to microgravity
Crystal structure of chitinase ChiW from Paenibacillus sp. str. FPU-7 reveals a novel type of bacterial cell-surface-expressed multi-modular enzyme machinery
Effects of temperature gradient in the growth of Si0.5Ge0.5 crystals by the traveling liquidus-zone method on board the International Space Station.
Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of space flown tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) seeds
CALET upper limits on X-Ray and gamma-ray counterparts of GW151226
MAXIサイエンスニュース060号 MAXIが、2016年のISS Research Awards "Space Station Top Results for Discoveries"を受賞
資料集MAXIサイエンスニュース059号 MAXIで中性子星の「サイズ」を測る
資料集X-ray structures of the Pseudomonas cichorii D-tagatose 3-epimerase mutant form C66S recognizing deoxy sugars as substrates
The first MAXI/SSC catalog of X-ray sources in 0.7–7.0 keV
Relativistic electron precipitation at International Space Station: Space weather monitoring by Calorimetric Electron Telescope
Comprehensive analysis of the skin fungal microbiota of astronauts during a half-year stay at the International Space Station
MAXIサイエンスニュース058号 人類初の重力波イベント、MAXIは?
資料集Microgravity elicits reproducible alterations in cytoskeletal and metabolic gene and protein expression in space-flown Caenorhabditis elegans
MAXIサイエンスニュース057号 激変ブラックホール連星はくちょう座V404星、26年間の沈黙を破って活動を再開
資料集MAXIサイエンスニュース056号 謎の天体MUSST(マスト天体)