公開 2019年11月11日

Self-assembled gels of amphiphilic sequential peptide in water and organic solvents 2D Nano Templat

Two-dimensional self-assembly of amphiphilic peptide at the solid/water interface toward a facile method for metal nanoparticle alignment 2D Nano Templat

Morphology control of calcium phosphate by mineralization on the β-sheet peptide template 2D Nano Templat

Highly Purified Glucose Isomerase Crystals under Microgravity Conditions Grow as Fast as Those on the Ground Do Advanced Nano Step

Growth of InxGa1−xSb alloy semiconductor at the International Space Station (ISS) and comparison with terrestrial experiments Alloy Semiconductor

Investigation of directionally solidified InGaSb ternary alloys from Ga and Sb faces of GaSb(111) under prolonged microgravity at the International Space Station Alloy Semiconductor

Effects of gravity and crystal orientation on the growth of InGaSb Ternary Alloy Semiconductors-experiments at the International Space Station and on Earth Alloy Semiconductor

Orientation-dependent dissolution and growth kinetics of InxGa1-xSb by vertical gradient freezing method under microgravity Alloy Semiconductor

Characterization of amyloid β fibril formation under microgravity conditions Amyloid

Growth and cortical microtubule dynamics in shoot organs under microgravity and hypergravity conditions Aniso Tubule

Modification of Growth Anisotropy and Cortical Microtubule Dynamics in Arabidopsis Hypocotyls Grown under Microgravity Conditions in Space Aniso Tubule

Characteristics of Mg2SiO4:Tb (TLD-MSO-S) relevant for space radiation dosimetry Area PADLES

Area radiation monitoring on ISS Increments 17 to 22 using PADLES in the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo Area PADLES

On Questions Raised by Microgravity Liquid-Jet-Instability Observations Atomization

Coherent Capillary Wave Structure Revealed by ISS Experiments for Spontaneous Nozzle Jet Disintegration Atomization

Comprehensive Analyses of Plant Hormones in Etiolated Pea and Maize Seedlings Grown under Microgravity Conditions in Space: Relevance to the International Space Station Experiment "Auxin Transport" Auxin Transport

DNA Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression of Etiolated Maize Seedlings Grown under Microgravity Conditions in Space: Relevance to the International Space Station Experiment "Auxin Transport" Auxin Transport

Altered Localisation of ZmPIN1a Proteins in Plasma Membranes Responsible for Enhanced-Polar Auxin Transport in Etiolated Maize Seedlings under Microgravity Conditions in Space Auxin Transport

Comprehensive Report on the Auxin Transport Space Experiment: The Analysis of Gravity Response and Attitude Control Mechanisms of Plants under Microgravity Condi Auxin Transport

Microarray Profile of Gene Expression in Etiolated Pisum Sativum Seedlings Grown under Microgravity Conditions in Space: Relevance to the International Space Station Experiment "Auxin Transport" Auxin Transport

Gravity-regulated localization of PsPIN1 is important for polar auxin transport in etiolated pea seedlings: Relevance to the International Space Station experiment Auxin Transport

Polar auxin transport is essential to maintain growth and development of etiolated pea and maize seedlings grown under 1 g conditions: Relevance to the international space station experiment Auxin Transport

Procedures for chemical fixation in immunohistochemical analyses of PIN proteins regulating polar auxin transport: Relevance to spaceflight experiments Auxin Transport

Circadian challenge of astronauts’ unconscious mind adapting to microgravity in space, estimated by heart rate variability Biological Rhythms