公開 2019年11月11日

X-Ray Structure Analysis of Human Oxidized Nucleotide Hydrolase MTH1 Using Crystals Obtained under Microgravity JAXA PCG

A Microgravity Environment Improves Structural Resolution and Endows Cues for Specific Inhibition of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 7 JAXA PCG

Genetically Engineered Haemoglobin Wrapped Covalently with Human Serum Albumins as an Artificial O2 Carrier JAXA PCG

Fragment-based discovery of the first nonpeptidyl inhibitor of an S46 family peptidase JAXA PCG

Physicochemical Properties and Crystal Structures of Recombinant Canine and Feline Serum Albumins JAXA PCG

JCB-SGT Crystallization Devices Applicable to PCG Experiments and Their Crystallization Conditions JAXA PCG

Crystallization of Pearl Biomineralization Protein in Microgravity Environments JAXA PCG

Quaternary Structure Analysis of a Hemoglobin Core in Hemoglobin−Albumin Cluster JAXA PCG

Crystallization of human erythrocyte Band 3, the anion exchanger, at the International Space Station 'KIBO″ JAXA PCG

Structural basis of the correct subunit assembly, aggregation, and intracellular degradation of nylon hydrolase JAXA PCG

Core–shell protein cluster comprising haemoglobin and recombinant feline serum albumin as an artificial O2 carrier for cats JAXA PCG

Structures of jacalin-related lectin PPL3 regulating pearl shell biomineralization JAXA PCG

High-resolution structure discloses the potential for allosteric regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 JAXA PCG

Crystal structure of chitinase ChiW from Paenibacillus sp. str. FPU-7 reveals a novel type of bacterial cell-surface-expressed multi-modular enzyme machinery JAXA PCG

X-ray structures of the Pseudomonas cichorii D-tagatose 3-epimerase mutant form C66S recognizing deoxy sugars as substrates JAXA PCG

A Comparative Analysis of Microgravity and Earth Grown Thermostable T1 Lipase Crystals Using HDPCG Apparatus JAXA PCG

Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from E. coli JAXA PCG

Structural and mutational analyses of dipeptidyl peptidase 11 from Porphyromonas gingivalis reveal the molecular basis for strict substrate specificity JAXA PCG

S46 peptidases are the first exopeptidases to be members of clan PA JAXA PCG

Crystallographic analysis of ground and space thermostable T1 lipase crystal obtained via counter diffusion method approach JAXA PCG

JAXA protein crystallization in space: ongoing improvements for growing high-quality crystals JAXA PCG

X-ray study of the conformational changes in the molecule of phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis during the catalyzed reaction JAXA PCG

Crystallization of uridine phosphorylase from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in the laboratory and under microgravity and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis JAXA PCG

Numerical analysis of the diffusive field around a growing protein crystal in microgravity Defect and Diffusion Forum JAXA PCG