公開 2019年11月11日

Clustering of Charged Colloidal Particles in the Microgravity Environment of Space Colloidal Clusters

p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric Acid Impairs Auxin Response for Gravity-regulated Peg Formation in Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) Seedlings CsPINs

Gravitropism interferes with hydrotropism via counteracting auxin dynamics in cucumber roots: clinorotation and spaceflight experiments CsPINs

The gravity-induced re-localization of auxin efflux carrier CsPIN1 in cucumber seedlings: spaceflight experiments for immunohistochemical microscopy CsPINs

Temporal regulation of global gene expression and cellular morphology in Xenopus kidney cells in response to clinorotation. Dome Gene

Gene expression profile of Xenopus A6 cells cultured under random positioning machine shows downregulation of ion transporter genes and inhibition of dome formation Dome Gene

Global Expression of Simulated Microgravity-Responsive Genes in Xenopus Liver Cells Dome Gene

Flow Visualization of Axisymmetric Steady Marangoni Convection in High-Prandtl-Number Liquid Bridges in Microgravity Dynamic Surf

Effect of Heat Loss on Hydrothermal wave Instability in Half-Zone Liquid Bridges of High Prandtl Number Fluid Dynamic Surf

Effect of radiative heat transfer on thermocapillary convection in long liquid bridges of high-Prandtl-number fluids in microgravity Dynamic Surf

Report on microgravity experiments of Dynamic Surface deformation effects on Marangoni instability in high-Prandtl-number liquid bridges Dynamic Surf

Overview of "Dynamic Surf" Project in Kibo-Dynamic Behavior of Large-Scale Thermocapillary Liquid Bridges in Microgravity Dynamic Surf

Determining the density of molten Y2O3 using an electrostatic levitation furnace in the International Space Station ELF TechDemo

Thermophysical property measurements of refractory oxide melts with the electrostatic levitation furnace in the ISS ELF TechDemo

Densities of Liquid Tm2O3, Yb2O3, and Lu2O3 Measured by an Electrostatic Levitation Furnace Onboard the International Space Station ELF TechDemo

Status of the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace in the ISS -Surface Tension and Viscosity Measurements ELF TechDemo

Electrostatic levitation on the ISS ELF TechDemo

Densities of Liquid Lanthanoid Sesquioxides Measured with the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace in the ISS ELF TechDemo

Density of Molten Zirconium-Oxygen System Measured with an Electrostatic Levitation Furnace in the International Space Station ELF TechDemo

Very sharp diffraction peak in non-glass forming liquid with the formation of distorted tetraclusters ELF TechDemo

Density of molten Gadolinium oxide measured with the electrostatic levitation furnace in the International Space Station ELF TechDemo

Status of the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) in the ISS-KIBO ELF TechDemo

Status of the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace in the ISS - Evaluation of Sample Position Control - ELF TechDemo

Overview of the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) for the International Space Station (ISS) ELF TechDemo