KOUNOTORI’s Successor!
The Latest in Transfer Vehicles, to Help Create the Next Generation in Spaceflight Technology
Picking up where the KOUNOTORI (HTV) left off is the HTV-X, the latest model of transfer vehicles for transporting supplies into space. The vehicle will not only be used to deliver supplies to the International Space Station (ISS), but also provide a platform for space experimentation and open the door to future spaceflight technologies.

Nine Supply Missions Successfully Completed!
History of "KOUNOTORI"

KOUNOTORI (HTV) have served as supply ships for transferring the devices and experimental equipment indispensable to the ISS' operation as well as everyday goods for the astronauts stationed there. All nine of the supply missions carried out since the first in 2009 were successful. In 2020, the vehicle was retired. What sorts of items did KOUNOTORI deliver over the course of those missions? Read on to learn about their history, their technologies, and their primary missions.
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