Message from the Director General
Effective April 1, 2024, I have the honor of being assigned as Director General for Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate. I am excited to collaborate with all of you as we advance the frontiers of Human Space Exploration.
The Japanese Experiment Module "KIBO" aboard the International Space Station marks the foundation of the Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate's efforts. Launched in 2009, it has now been in operation for 15 years. Despite facing difficult times during the period, such as natural disasters and COVID-19 pandemic, we have consistently maintained its operations without a single day off. Today, we continue to make use of its special environments, such as microgravity, and the cutting-edge experimental facilities for life science and material physics science, providing an array of scientific experiments for both academia and industry, as well as offering space utilization opportunities to nations beyond spacefaring countries.
In addition, the development of a new unmanned cargo transporter, HTV-X, is underway in the Human Space Technology Directorate. It is the successor to KOUNOTORI, which successfully delivered supplies to the International Space Station nine times between 2009 and 2020. This new transporter will continue JAXA's vital role in supporting the International Space Station’s activities. Of course, naturally, Japanese astronauts continue to contribute significantly to these missions.

In April 2024, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Moriyama Masahito and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson signed the "Implementing Arrangement concerning Lunar Surface Exploration using Pressurized Rover". The manned pressurized rover developed by JAXA is the world's first and only lunar surface mobility system that can be operated without a space suit. This agreement also indicates that, in the not-too-distant future, two of our fellow Japanese astronauts will land on the Moon as part of the "Project Artemis" international space exploration program. This is, I believe, a testament to the trust our global partners have in Japan's technology and teamwork, demonstrated through the successful development, utilization, and operation of KIBO and KOUNOTORI.
Beyond the manned pressurized rover, the Human Space Technology Directorate is actively advancing other projects, including the development of critical capabilities for a manned lunar orbiting base (Gateway), which will serve as a relay station for sustained lunar surface exploration, the development of an unmanned lunar explorer (LUPEX) capable of traversing the Moon's surface, and other essential research and development initiatives to advance lunar and planetary exploration. I believe that our mission is to honor the trust placed in us by delivering on each project with diligence and determination.
I am fully committed to contributing to the advancement and well-being of humanity through the collective efforts of our team. I look forward to your continued understanding, support and cooperation in our manned space technology projects.
Director General for Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate
Organization chart

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